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INTRODUCING ***** Olivia Jo-Anne DeMerchant *****

Olivia's Daddy has connections on the World Wide Web and therefore she gets a whole big page dedicated to the most precious little girl in the world. (Her cousin Houston may dispute this fact but they will have lots of time to sort that out.)

Olivia Jo-Anne DeMerchant

Born September 24, 2001 at the Dr Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital, Fredericton NB.

7 Lbs & 6 Oz.

20 7/8 In.

Brown hair and Blue eyes.

This is Olivia and her Mom - Amy. Mom is doing well and had a good labour. (If there is such a thing) Mom thought Olivia was a boy all through the pregnancy. To her great delight she now has a little girl. You see Amy lives with her husband and 3 male cats. Finally someone to even the odds.

This is me with my beautiful daughter the morning Olivia was born.

We can't forget about Aunt April. Olivia knows this lady knows all about babies. Her experience has been such a God send, THANKS AUNT APRIL.

Of course Dad can't let April off the hook so easy. Amy's brother Jason also married a DeMerchant. (Those Sullivan's know a good thing when they see it!!) April is a descendant of George (see family page) and Norman is a descendant of Robert. You see April and Norman are distant cousins. Don't tell April she will kick Norm's butt. Can you blame her, who would want to be related to Norm. HA HA

Olivia's cousin Houston came over for a visit. Houston is 18 months old and is always on the go. There is no slowing down this girl.

18 years from now the world better look out. With these two beauties on the loose there are going to be a lot of sore necks.

This is Olivia coming home from her first Dr's visit. She wanted to look good on her first outing so Grammy Sullivan knitted this cute little bunting bag with ears. TOO CUTE!!

Grammy Jo-Anne Sullivan, Amy, and Olivia. Three of the best girls on earth. GOD BLESS THEM ALL.

Thanks to everyone who has sent cards, gifts, and wishes. It is so appreciated. These truly are the times to cherish and remember for a life time.

To my beautiful wife Amy I LOVE YOU so much. Thank you for everything, words cannot describe the joy I have in my heart and the love I have to share. Thanks to the Lord above who has blessed our family.
